Local New year’s Day walk
Meet coordinator catherine Allen. A local walk with a 'bring and share' food event in the car park afterwards.
Meet coordinator catherine Allen. A local walk with a 'bring and share' food event in the car park afterwards.
SO449936 immune.kinds.clash https://goo.gl/maps/HnzrfJj5pfrHQLP58
A full winter's day out with Simon Moore as meet coordinator. Clwt y Bel is booked for members if you wish to make a weekend of it.
SO442919 landlords.audible.horizons https://goo.gl/maps/94i6urkjXAeujPZy5
SO470961 dine.fights.expecting https://goo.gl/maps/BhLUizS9bDCWMZ7s5
Staying Fri/Sat nights at the Wayfarer's hut. No doubt there will be haggis on the Saturday night Meet coordinator Brenda Duffy.
Come to the annual AGM where as well as electing a new committee there is the photo competition and award of the Harry Gregory Trophy. NB Starting earlier this year; […]
SJ373023 think.radiates.nest https://goo.gl/maps/pbPTeV9d4NyshyNn8
For the adventurous there will be a Bivvy on Foel Grach on the Saturday night but with Clwt y Bel as an option! Meet coordinator Sean Toms.
SO506951 income.metals.nudge https://goo.gl/maps/pJuu9Mofd25cMhnaA
Staying for the week at Badenoch, Newtonmore, the same self catering house we had last year. Sleeps 18. Meet coordinator; Jan Campbell
SJ668036 commutes.matchbox.vocal https://goo.gl/maps/xrQ4SCW3Gf8ymwD68
SJ389198 note.covenants.nearly https://goo.gl/maps/EieyBtC7Nap14bnu8
SO443913 juggles.musician.workers https://goo.gl/maps/W7AHMkhEmXBws59b6
A day out. Meet coordinator Lee Campbell
SJ295149 retaliate.strict.blushes https://goo.gl/maps/dzrDXnxTknXsj6NTA
Thanks to Phil Holden for organising this excellent annual event again. Members are invited to show pics and talk for no more than 10 mins about their adventures.
SO393965 like.yacht.blacken https://goo.gl/maps/zrXRFZxFwV4KhZQe8
Meet coordinator Catherine Allen
SO412937 downhill.adding.husky https://goo.gl/maps/fudepMMMTCAvi8Tq9